In August 2008 Will Bryant started making a micromix every friday. He’s had a few guest posts, but has done a fairly decent job keeping it going. He likes working to a continuous stream of jams and has enjoyed pumping these mixes out each week to share with others. Please support these artists! (i’d snag them on vinyl if i were you)

FRIDAY FEEL back catalog.
Just click on the cover to download each micromix (also compiled on flickr)

note: i’ve recently started including the tracklists in the notes of the mp3

FRIDAY FEEL #2 Friday Feel 3 FRIDAY FEEL 4 FRIDAY FEEL 5 FRIDAY FEEL 6 Friday Feel 7 friday feel 8 Friday Feel 9 Friday Feel 10 FRIDAY FEEL 11  - HWAPPY HaLLOWN FRIDAY FEEL 12 FRIDAY FEEL 13 fridayfeel14 friday feel 15 + 16 friday feel 17 friday feel 18 friday feel 19 fridayfeel20 fridayfeel21 fridayfeel22 fridayfeel23 fridayfeel24 Sooper fun friday feel 25 fridayfeel26 fridayfeel 27 Mixy Mix 28 Friday Feel - Yoni Knows Best Friday Feel 31 Friday Feels Nice Today Friday Feelio (34) fridayfeel35friday feel thirty six Friday Feel: PHASEONE Remixes fridayfeel38 - smiling mtn Friday Feel 39

7 responses to “FRIDAY FEEL

  1. Pingback: FRIDAY FEEL Mix#2 « Porch of the Mystics

  2. Jasmine Silver

    hey, is there a list of tracks for these anywhere??

  3. you should check out andres subercaseaux!

  4. I so miss Friday Feels. Will there be more? They have been such a joy to get to know.

    Many thanks for all your work on this lovely Porch!

  5. porchofthemystics

    Thanks for all the support!

    Jasmine, tracklists are within the posts and on flickr.

    Anne, you are very kind. Perhaps they will return soon. I made some mixes for another blog recently, so that might inspire me to make more.


  6. Will the mix from Celestial Bounce be posted?

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